Saturday, July 2, 2011

First Post :-)

Hello all :-) I have been inspired to start a blog in commemoration of my tenth Hanson concert this past May. I thought that ten shows in three years while being an overtime student to graduate a year ahead of schedule seemed like something big (even though I have tons of friends who are way far ahead of me as far as number of Hanson concerts attended), and with all of the adventures I have had throughout this amazing journey, I haven’t written about it anywhere! I was inspired by a fellow Hanson fan’s tour blog ( because lets face it, if I have learned anything the past few years, its that this fandom and these friends are what amazing stories are made of.
I think the first thing to do is go back in time and recap what I can remember from my ten shows, as I know I have some hidden posts on a LiveJournal account that can be of help. Then after that, I'll be updating after every show I attend and there will probably be some random posts thrown in there, Hanson related or not. I don't know, so we shall see! Though my life is soon going to be Hanson and law school, so I probably won't have anything else to talk about outside of those areas.


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed my blog! I love reading about the different experiences people have while traveling to shows, so I'm sure I'll enjoy yours too.

    P.S. I started mine after I think my 11th show, so great timing to start yours. I guess around that number is a point when you realize you're not going to stop any time soon, and you better document it if you want to remember it all :)

  2. I do enjoy your blog! I was reading it and remembering my own memories from certain tour dates and I was finally like...why haven't I done this?! I've documented other big events from high school and I don't want to forget anything because after a while they might start blending together. That's really funny that we started at similar times though, must be something about double digits of the same concert :)
