Saturday, July 2, 2011

Song Meanings.

So, for those people who are not Hanson fans (or 'fansons', whichever term you like to coin), I often get a lot of questions about why the hell I have gone to all these concerts, why they're so important to me, why I have dragged myself out to Tulsa twice for Hanson and once to visit a law school, etc., and there is no easy answer to that question. It is as simple as if you're not a fan, you just couldn't possibly understand. I was listening to In A Way earlier today, and all of a sudden I was met with the very strong mental image of being back in Oklahoma, driving down the interstate on the way to Pops (a Tulsa road trip staple) with the Kickapoo Casino (inside joke) sign in the distance. The sun was shining, the windows were rolled down, and it was just a very content and happy place to be. It got me thinking that there are a number of Hanson songs that have these strong memories attached to them, and I wanted to write them down. So, this is probably going to be a pretty long post, but I did just that. I probably skipped some, but these are the ones that hold the strongest memories for me. At least, for now.

Thinking Bout Somethin' - Camping Out in November 2010 and trying to learn the dance to flash mob it the next day. Papa John's Pizza, dropping Lorin's cake on her laptop, Cop friend, drug bust behind the bushes.

Voice In The Chorus, And I Waited, Carry You There, Make It Out Alive - These songs were on repeat all throughout Summer 2010. They remind me of going to summer classes at HPU on a daily basis, Clif protein bars, and chick-fil-a unsweet tea with lemon. Random, but it works.

Waiting for This - Summer 2010 tour, and it makes me feel all bubbly because this is usually how they kicked off their sets! It was that feeling of "OMG I HAVE BEEN CAMPING AND WAITING FOR THIS FOR SO LONG AND IT'S STARTING!". No greater feeling in the world.

Give a Little - Asheville 2010. Camping out with Alexis and sharing Holly's tent, and of course Holly's dance on stage. The epicness of life. One of my favorite shows.

Been There Before - I don't know why, but this always makes me think of seeing the pictures of the guys in downtown Tulsa stopping during one of their walks in front of Dilly Deli…the time when I thought Tulsa was a million miles away and I'd be crazy to drive all the way out there just for one event…that didn't last long.

Blue Sky - This reminds me of senior year of high school. Every month I'd wake up at 3/4am and leave to drive to Raleigh for NC Youth Legislative Assembly, and this song always managed to play when the sun was rising.

Georgia - This song reminds me of high school, being in the Mazatlan parking lot for some reason? IDK about that one. But this also reminds me of Atlanta on so many levels…both trips down there (One to the Four Seasons and Emory, the other to the Four Seasons and Mercer…because the Four Seasons is divine) and this song played when we entered Georgia. Magic.

Go - First concert with Alexis, when she was so excited seeing Zac hold up a "one" during this song haha. Of course, I always think about the music video and MOE 2011 when we went to visit the Go bridge after walking about two miles.

Running Man - two words - Michael and Brooke. Only Alexis will ever understand that. OH. But not so much anymore, because Lacie gave me reason to sing it "I'm feelin' saucy".

Something Going Round - This is the song I used to wake myself up in the mornings on those long YLA drives during senior year. Always will remember Alexis freaking out over Taylor's "But you neeeeeeeeeeeeed it!", and of course the 'Asleep At The Wheel' star in front of Cain's Ballroom.

Tearing It Down - HAHAHA ZOMG CHERRY MIDTOWN. Where to begin with the memories of this one? Of course the story behind Cherry Midtown…Alexis: "WTF is Cherry Midtown?" and our months of bickering over it after that. My need for every person that entered the car to listen to the song and tell me how it sounded to them. And of course our little Cherry Midtown crew with shirts.

Watch Over Me - Just reminds me of Ike. Sexy Ike. And duh, the 2008 Charlotte concert when he sang this while looking straight at me. I think that was the night I converted from a Taylor girl to an Ike girl.

Penny & Me - When Taylor messed up the lyrics…on multiple occasions.

Hey - HPU Summer Experience 2008. I had this song on repeat. The parties, the alcohol, the unfortunate situations…and of course this was playing when they announced their tour coming in the Fall as I jumped out of bed and my roommate though I was having a heart attack.

Dying to Be Alive - This was the theme song of senior year of college. Seriously. It puts me right back in senior seminar with all of the drama going on, and it got me through it all. Of course, this was the absolute best thing in the world when they just happened to play it at the November 2010 Charlotte show, so lots of memories of camping out with Lorin are inserted here.

Broken Angel - This reminds me of my second year of college and all of the drama that was going on during that time. It was one of those 'go-to' songs when things got tough and unbearably dramatic.

This Time Around - Automatically evokes the memory of driving home well past midnight from the Raleigh Nordstrom and screaming these lyrics out the window while fist pumping the entire way home. Of course the music video, which I loooove. Generally, anytime anyone is pissing me off this song helps. BECAUSE I WON'T GO DOWN, BEETCHES.

Runaway Run - Sitting in Casey's living room watching their concert on DVD and singing every single word to this with such passion, 100% scaring our friends/her roommates.

Hand In Hand - Ike rocking the 'say goodbye, say goodbye' bit on multiple occasions. Reminds me in general of the early 2000's when M2M was barely relevant.

Love Song - This doesn't generally remind me of anything in particular, but it's one of those songs that just has so much emotion attached to it and it gets me all sentimental.

In The City/If Only - two of the most supercharged songs live and each time I hear them I feel like I'm jumping up and down in Amos' again.

Where's The Love - That time I was trying to keep spirits high in the car on the way back home from MOE 2011, in the middle of Arkansas I got really into it and did the hand motions and clapped at the end and because I have fantastic friends, it was recorded.

Speechless - My absolute utter amazement with the performance in November 2010. I was actually stunned. HAH. I WAS SPEECHLESS, GUYS. GET IT?

MMMBOP - This makes me think of living in California when I used to listen to this song all the time. In more relevant times, its impossible to remember anything because its EVERYWHERE in Hanson land.

Never Been To Spain - listening to this on the drive up to Asheville in 2008. And, of course, all trips taken to Oklahoma for obvious reasons.

Coming Back For More - MOE 2011. All insanely amazing memories inserted here.


She's Got Time - now makes me think of all the Island Def Jam shit the guys went through. And Summer 2010 driving Asheville to Raleigh. I don't know why it reminds me of being on the road.

In A Way - leaving a sunny albeit deserted Oklahoma City, on the way to Pops and Kickapoo. The minute the song starts playing, I just think of the Kickapoo Casino sign, windows rolled down, sunglasses perched, and an absolutely indescribable trip.

Letters In The Mailbox - On the road in Oklahoma going back to Tulsa, and all of those feelings associated with Hanson road trips that I can't even put into words.

Yearbook - driving through the Tennessee mountains on our way back home from the December 2010 Tulsa road trip. This song managed to play in the same spot both ways, which was really weird/memorable.

Run Rudolph Run - December 2010 Tulsa Roadtrip! Lorin and I dancing our asses off at the Mabee Center and having all of these still people stare at us, and security tapping us to go back to our seats.

Get Out of My Heart - Tulsa road trip May 2011. Mine and Lorin's INSANE hand motions, everyone in the car laughing at nothing. And of course, in Lacie's words: "Ally you don't want to be in Taylor's bed anyways…he's kicking you out because you should be in Ike's bed." Hahaha. It went from a terrible song to my favorite just like that, in the middle of the mini golf course.

Sonny Get Your Gun - I remember watching them write this song specifically. Also another in the series of songs we did with hand motions.

Sunny Day - Pulling up with Lorin in the Starbucks Drive Thru, gathering the workers, and teaching them our hand motions of the song after Lorin told them we were Kickapoo Indians. Then going back to the hotel and hanging out downstairs with this ridiculous Arkansas cowboy. "Is that legit or just for show?" "Girl, I didn't win this buckle on my superior looks and charm."

Time Baby Take It - Driving to Nashville from Memphis. Ball on your cha-chain chaaaaain, Lorin. Haha. Oh, and cramping my neck after banging my head one too many times doing our hand motions.

Something as little as a song can evoke all the feelings and emotions of the time it was associated with, and I'm glad that I've had all of the experiences I have had.

First Post :-)

Hello all :-) I have been inspired to start a blog in commemoration of my tenth Hanson concert this past May. I thought that ten shows in three years while being an overtime student to graduate a year ahead of schedule seemed like something big (even though I have tons of friends who are way far ahead of me as far as number of Hanson concerts attended), and with all of the adventures I have had throughout this amazing journey, I haven’t written about it anywhere! I was inspired by a fellow Hanson fan’s tour blog ( because lets face it, if I have learned anything the past few years, its that this fandom and these friends are what amazing stories are made of.
I think the first thing to do is go back in time and recap what I can remember from my ten shows, as I know I have some hidden posts on a LiveJournal account that can be of help. Then after that, I'll be updating after every show I attend and there will probably be some random posts thrown in there, Hanson related or not. I don't know, so we shall see! Though my life is soon going to be Hanson and law school, so I probably won't have anything else to talk about outside of those areas.